Fyodor Bredikhin
Fyodor Aleksandrovich
Bredikhin, a russian astronomer, was born on December 8, 1831 and died May 14,
1904. His surname is sometimes written as Bredichin in literature, and
non-Russian sources sometimes call him Theodor. In 1857, he joined the
observatory in Moscow University and became its director in 1873. In 1890 he
became the director of Pulkovo Observatory, until 1894, and in the same year
became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences where we studied mainly
meteors, meteor showers and the theory of comet tails. The asteroid 786
Bredichina and the crater Bredikhin, on the Moon, are named after him.
Bredikhin also took active part in launching systematic observations of our
star's chromosphere with protuberance microscopes; taking pictures of sunspots
and flares; studying planetary stars and variable nebulas.
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